2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse

2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS Sport

$ 12,150 00

3247 views Condition: Used
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State: North Dakota
City: Crosby
Address: 107 1st St NW, Crosby, ND
Zip code: 58730
Make: Mitsubishi
Model: 3000GT
Body type: Coupe
Year: 2012
Mileage: 55038
Interior color: black
Exterior color: red
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: L4, 2.4L; SOHC
Trim Level: GS
Body Type: 2 Door Convertible
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi Motor Mfg.of America
Production Seq. Number: 002596
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine Code: F
Drive Line Type: FWD
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
Vehicle Class: Small Car
Restraint System: Dual Air Bag; Seat Belts; Curtain and Side Air Bag
Assy. Plant: Bloomington-Normal, IL
Check Digit: 8
JATO: 500336
MPG: S4:20-27-23
Type: Car

Mitsubishi, whose name means "three diamonds," was founded in the 1870s. This particular car is really spectacular like a shiny diamond.

Super clean, loaded 2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Sport with only under 56 miles mileage Still Under Manufacturer's Warranty. Rockford Fosgate premium sound with 6-disc CD changer! Impeccable inside and out! This auto has a clean title, Clean CarFax history with no accidents, damages or stories. Our service department went through this car bumper to bumper and did all the current services. This Eclipse is still under Mitsubishi's factory warranty and qualifies for extend service contracts and all service plans.

This is just a Great Deal to have this car! Considering that the car is almost new, being the latest make and a recent year it costs you ridiculously low sum. So, be the lucky new owner of this beautiful car. You'll see that it's in a perfect condition! It has a strong engine; plenty of standard and optional features; feels bigger than it is; engaging style inside and out.

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