2005 Buick LeSabre

2005 Buick LeSabre

$ 9,003 00

2863 views Condition: Used
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State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 2222 S Loop
Zip code: 77054
Make: Buick
Model: LeSabre
Body type: Sedan
Year: 2005
Mileage: 129684
Interior color: Beige
Exterior color: Gold
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 3.8L V6

Nice 2005 Buick LeSabre! 2 Owners! 129,684 Miles! Clean CarFax!

Equipment: Abs - 4-Wheel Air Suspension - Rear Airbag Deactivation - Occupant Sensing Passenger Anti-Theft System - Alarm Braking Assist Center Console - Front Console With Storage Clock Cruise Control Daytime Running Lights Driver Seat Power Adjustments Front Air Conditioning Front Air Conditioning - Automatic Climate Control Front Air Conditioning Zones - Single Front Airbags - Dual Front Seat Type - Split-Bench Front Wipers - Intermittent Headlights - Auto On/Off In-Dash Cd - Single Disc Multi-Function Remote - Illuminated Entry Multi-Function Remote - Keyless Entry Multi-Function Remote - Trunk Release Overhead Console - Front Power Adjustments Power Door Locks Power Steering Power Windows Radio - Am/Fm Rear Seat Type - Bench Satellite Communications - Onstar Self Leveling Suspension Side Mirror Adjustments - Power Steering Wheel - Tilt Steering Wheel Mounted Controls - Audio Tire Type Trip Computer Upholstery - Cloth Wheel Diameter - 15 Inch Wheels - Steel Window Defogger - Rear


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