2005 Audi S4 4 Dr New quattro AWD

2005 Audi S4 4 Dr New quattro AWD silver

$ 11,050 00

4218 views Condition: Used
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State: Ohio
City: Aberdeen
Address: usa
Zip code: 45101
Make: Audi
Model: S4
Body type: Sedan
Year: 2005
Mileage: 130000
Interior color: white
Exterior color: silver
Transmission: 6-Speed Automatic
Engine: V8, 4.2L
Trim Level: Base
Body Type: 4 Door Sedan
Manufacturer: Audi NSU Auto Union AG
Production Seq. Number: 468260
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine Code: A
Drive Line Type: AWD
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
Vehicle Class: Small Car
Restraint System: Dual Air Bag; Active Belts; Side Air Bag
Country: GERMANY
Assy. Plant: Ingolstadt
Check Digit: 8
JATO: 754075/7296512/7296509
MPG: M6:13-20-16/S6:14-21-16
AAIA: 55646/77151/154698
AAIA_ENGINE: 7341/13413
AAIA_LEGACY: 1430750
AAIA_TRANSMISSION: 2482/2322/3053
Transmission/MfgCode: 6 speed Automatic
Type: Car

2005.5 AUDI S4 JUST REDUCED from 11900!! -Quattro AWD -4.2l V8 --340hp -Automatic with paddle shift -Silver exterior -Black leather Recaro seats with silver suede inserts -Bose sound system -Factory navigation system -Front and rear heated seats -CLEAN TITLE -- no accidents -- all original paint -Well maintained by a reputable shop. -Has 35% tints -Has winter and summer wheels: Summer wheels are 19 inch OZ Superturismo LM's in gunmetal -2005.5 year, titles as a 2005, but has the 2006 and newer body style aka B7.

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