2001 Toyota TACOMA

2001 Toyota TACOMA

$ 7,001 00

3223 views Condition: Used
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State: Florida
City: Orange Park
Address: 222 Blanding Blvd.
Zip code: 32073
Make: Toyota
Model: Tacoma
Body type: SUV
Year: 2001
Mileage: 125074
Interior color: Gray
Exterior color: Green
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 4 Cylinder

2001 TOYOTA TACOMA PRE-RUNNER 2WD REG CAB 3-PASSENGER 2-DOOR TRUCK. This vehicle comes powered by a 2.7L 4-Cylinder Engine along with an Automatic Transmission. Colored in a Dark Green Pearl Finish -6Q7- over a Gray Cloth Interior. Other options and features include: A/C, Tilt Steering, JVC Stereo w/ CD, Dual Airbags, Running Boards, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Traction Control + ABS, Factory Carpet Mats, Diamond Plated Tool Box, Vent Visors, Brush Guard, Mud Flaps, and 16-inch Steel Wheels on matching Dunlop Tires. This vehicle has NEVER been smoked in + books and owners' manuals are in the dash.  

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