1987 Alfa Romeo Spider

1987 Alfa Romeo Spider

$ 10,560 00

7572 views Condition: Used
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State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: 16470 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Portland, OR 97267
Zip code: 35013
Make: Alfa Romeo
Model: Spider
Body type: Convertible
Year: 1987
Mileage: 28000
Interior color: Gray
Exterior color: Silver
Transmission: Manual 5-Speed
Engine: L4, 2.0L
Trim Level: Quadrifoglio
Body Type: 2 Door Convertible
Manufacturer: Alfa Romeo Auto S.p.A.
Production Seq. Number: 052723
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Horsepower: 115HP
Engine Code: 556
Drive Line Type: RWD
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
Vehicle Class: Small Car
Country: ITALY
Check Digit: 7
AAIA: 969/40284
AAIA_LEGACY: 1001619
Transmission/MfgCode: 5 speed Manual / N/A
Type: Car
AAIA_VehicleID: 969
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 4910
AAIA_TransmissionID: 2409
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 8
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 1
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 7
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 1

Here is a really clean and well cared for 1987 Alfa Romeo Spider Quadrifoglio Convertible with both the hardtop that is removable and a NEW soft top. This car has the L4 2.0 Liter Fuel Injected engine that runs strong and has the 5 speed manual transmission that shifts great. This car is in great condition and has only 28,000 actual miles. The paint looks good as does the interior. No rips in seats. It has nice red carpet. The power windows work good. It has all new brakes. The tires are good. This car is a blast to drive. It has a clean Carfax with no accidents ever reported. Very clean under the car as well. This is a nice little sports car at a very fair price. Try finding another in this condition for the money.

  • Front Air Conditioning
  • Center Console
  • Power Steering
  • Power Brakes
  • Cassette
  • Radio - Am/Fm
  • Tachometer
  • Wheel Diameter - 14 Inch


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